The Huntington Library:
Cistus heterophyllus
The Huntington Library:
Clematis hybrid (pink)
The Huntington Library:
'Rainbow Sorbet' Roses
The Huntington Library:
Viola odorata 'Columbine'
The Huntington Library:
Plant Sale Preparations
The Huntington Library:
Clematis hybrid (white)
The Huntington Library:
Grevillea 'Fire Sprite'
The Huntington Library:
Grevillea 'Moonlight'
The Huntington Library:
Kale varieties, herbs, and more
The Huntington Library:
'Rhapsody in Blue' Roses
The Huntington Library:
Plant Sale Volunteer
The Huntington Library:
Lavatera maritima 'Bicolor'
The Huntington Library:
Pastel Succulents
The Huntington Library:
Lamium maculatum 'Anne Greenaway'
The Huntington Library:
Plant Sale Set-up
The Huntington Library:
Echinopsis hybrids
The Huntington Library:
Echinopsis 'Flying Saucer'