Joshua & Amber:
12242008 Wesley cutting his own shapes to put on his foam tree
Joshua & Amber:
12242008 Jillian put a shape on her tree and waits patiently for the next one
Joshua & Amber:
12242008 Wesley makes glitter pinecones
Joshua & Amber:
12242008 Wesley and Yaya do their nails
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Jillian is up before Wesley and gets to eat some candy
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Wesley starts on his stocking and Jillian still wants more candy
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Still working on the stockings, Jillian gets socks and Wesley a small penguin
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Jillian accidently gets knocked over, and Wesley frantically opens the globe from Mary Ann
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Jillian opens some clothes from Yaya and Papa
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Jillian gets distracted by her new drawing toy
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Jillian reads Goodnight Moon
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Jillian puts on her socks
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Wesley calls Papa - Dave and Dave calls Wesley Frank
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Jillian enjoys the musical cat toy
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Wesley and Jillian are big helpers - unpacking the train table box from Grandpa
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Wesley plays in the train table box
Joshua & Amber:
12252008 Wesley and Jillian go round and round the train table
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Joshua feeding Jillian some jumpy corn
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Jillian getting all choked up
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Wesley sings...may I look at the video please
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Shake that hair Wesley - and Jillian copy him!
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Wesley and Jillian are ready for their picture to be taken - CHEESE
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Monkey see - monkey do...Wesley and Jillian mimic Joshua
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Wesley's first video
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Wesley's video of Amber and Jillian
Joshua & Amber:
01252009 Wesley shows us his room
Joshua & Amber:
01262009 Wesley as a mermaid - singing a song and dancing around
Joshua & Amber:
01262009 Wesley making a video of Amber singing a song about Wesley
Joshua & Amber:
01292009 Opening Box from Y&P part 1of3
Joshua & Amber:
01292009 Opening Box from Y&P part 2of3