hunterj02: O) Isolate someones shoes LOW DOF and perspective
hunterj02: N) Ordinary Beautiful
hunterj02: M) Repetion Low DOF
hunterj02: L) Panning
hunterj02: K) Low DOF so you cant see face
hunterj02: J) Rule-of-thirds-emotion
hunterj02: I) Chaotic feeling lines
hunterj02: H) Framming with stopped action
hunterj02: G) Repetition High DOF
hunterj02: E) Texture and Low DOF
hunterj02: F) Simplicity in a photo with LDF
hunterj02: C) Leading Lines High DOF
hunterj02: B)Rule of Thirds and Stopped Action
hunterj02: A) Perpective Blurred Action
hunterj02: D)-Framing--Low-DOF