Pheral Lamb: The Spot: NALC Local 14, Louisville, KY
Pheral Lamb: Formaggio!
Pheral Lamb: Aunt Ella
Pheral Lamb: The Speech
Pheral Lamb: The Eatin'
Pheral Lamb: Granny
Pheral Lamb: No Dancing
Pheral Lamb: No Dancing
Pheral Lamb: Mike, Becky and Dave
Pheral Lamb: The Cake
Pheral Lamb: The Cake
Pheral Lamb: The Toast
Pheral Lamb: The Firesheets
Pheral Lamb: Becky and Eden
Pheral Lamb: Becky, Kelly and Eden
Pheral Lamb: Granny and Becky
Pheral Lamb: Granny and Becky
Pheral Lamb: The Kiss
Pheral Lamb: Aftermath of the Kiss
Pheral Lamb: Rose Petals
Pheral Lamb: DSCF6758
Pheral Lamb: DSCF6759
Pheral Lamb: Becky, Granny and Dave
Pheral Lamb: Making a Fregan Bouquet for his Wife
Pheral Lamb: Mike and Dave cleaning up
Pheral Lamb: DSCF6774
Pheral Lamb: DSCF6773
Pheral Lamb: DSCF6775