*katherine*photo*: 28 - fraying lines
*katherine*photo*: 27 - tightrope walker
*katherine*photo*: 26 - namaste
*katherine*photo*: 24 - chocolate chip banana muffins
*katherine*photo*: 23 - my guy ♥
*katherine*photo*: 21 - composting
*katherine*photo*: 20 - summer salads
*katherine*photo*: 18 - the lovely Monarch
*katherine*photo*: 17 - after the rain
*katherine*photo*: 16 - purple hulled peas
*katherine*photo*: 15 - spontaneous photo walks
*katherine*photo*: 12 - coffee
*katherine*photo*: 11 - orange.
*katherine*photo*: 9 - black-eyed susans
*katherine*photo*: 8 - sunset silhouettes
*katherine*photo*: 7 - laundry on the line
*katherine*photo*: 6 - flaming sunsets
*katherine*photo*: 5 - homemade pierogies
*katherine*photo*: 4 - sweet orange jewels
*katherine*photo*: 3 - lazy evenings at the pool
*katherine*photo*: 2 - twilight in our back garden
*katherine*photo*: 1- to walk along the shore