1 - blazing sun
2 - let a guy in?
4 - after dinner
5 - mermaid
6 - on the line
7 - downward dog
8 - jack pine
9 - sundown
10 - tall grass
11 - coffee time
13- at dusk
12 - dinner time
15 - chocolate & orange
16 - girls' morning out
18 - clever monarch
19 - inhaling orange and green
20 - Happy Canada D'eh!
21 - "you say tomato, I say tomahto"
22 - beach walking
23 - red, white and... well.. ok, no blue.
24 - hello, friend.
26 - clay
28 - lunch
29 - "I know that you're smiling, baby, I don't even need to see your face"
30 - Aubergine
31 - “Every cloud engenders not a storm”
32 - a piece of Dublin
33 - seashells
34 - little bonnets in a row
35 - ~ country quiet awakens ~