*katherine*photo*: teeny tiny
*katherine*photo*: looking at me looking at her
*katherine*photo*: hello, there!
*katherine*photo*: storm moving in
*katherine*photo*: Gulf Coast Ribbon Snake
*katherine*photo*: inching along
*katherine*photo*: forgotten language
*katherine*photo*: Broad-banded Water Snake
*katherine*photo*: a honey of a time
*katherine*photo*: praying mantis
*katherine*photo*: praying mantis
*katherine*photo*: the itsy-bitsy spi....
*katherine*photo*: smartypants
*katherine*photo*: 27 - who's looking at whom?
*katherine*photo*: 20 - big, furry bumblebee
*katherine*photo*: E.T. & Me.
*katherine*photo*: 13 - a single dragonfly
*katherine*photo*: 28 - fraying lines
*katherine*photo*: 27 - tightrope walker
*katherine*photo*: 18 - the lovely Monarch
*katherine*photo*: 9 - black-eyed susans
*katherine*photo*: 362 - what big eyes you have
*katherine*photo*: 360 - cicada song
*katherine*photo*: 355 - my Lucy Bella
*katherine*photo*: 354 - Swallowtail visitor
*katherine*photo*: 349 - grainy grasshopper