*katherine*photo*: a good view
*katherine*photo*: 6 - flaming sunsets
*katherine*photo*: 1- to walk along the shore
*katherine*photo*: life's a beach
*katherine*photo*: 343 - “Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
*katherine*photo*: 332 - boardwalk
*katherine*photo*: 316 - Just a Perfect Day
*katherine*photo*: 291 - sun salutations
*katherine*photo*: 122 - out to sea
*katherine*photo*: “I was either standing in your shadow, or blocking your light"
*katherine*photo*: 57 - Friday afternoon at the beach
*katherine*photo*: 39 - laughing gulls
*katherine*photo*: everyone likes an ocean view
*katherine*photo*: 33 - seashells
*katherine*photo*: 31 - “Every cloud engenders not a storm”
*katherine*photo*: 29 - "I know that you're smiling, baby, I don't even need to see your face"
*katherine*photo*: mothers be good to your daughters
*katherine*photo*: 22 - beach walking
*katherine*photo*: 364/365 - at the seashore
*katherine*photo*: 332/365 - je t'adore.
*katherine*photo*: morning sun
*katherine*photo*: introspection
*katherine*photo*: two's company