*katherine*photo*: big waves (for here)
*katherine*photo*: yup, water..
*katherine*photo*: winter surf
*katherine*photo*: sandy tires
*katherine*photo*: painted water
*katherine*photo*: all in a row
*katherine*photo*: amid the bricks
*katherine*photo*: rolling tide
*katherine*photo*: a November sunset 1
*katherine*photo*: the beautiful Athabasca
*katherine*photo*: Frog's-eye view of a rainy day - 2
*katherine*photo*: life in scale
*katherine*photo*: Huron sunset
*katherine*photo*: splendid fading of day
*katherine*photo*: tunnel vision
*katherine*photo*: fetching waters
*katherine*photo*: charcoal canopy
*katherine*photo*: after the rain
*katherine*photo*: Heron's farewell
*katherine*photo*: a pleasant simmer
*katherine*photo*: morning gull
*katherine*photo*: getting splashed on the jetty
*katherine*photo*: Hurricane Humberto 8
*katherine*photo*: Hurricane Humberto 7
*katherine*photo*: Hurricane Humberto 6