*katherine*photo*: 22 - truffula trees
*katherine*photo*: 9 - a porter weed blossom
*katherine*photo*: 17 - after the rain
*katherine*photo*: 11 - orange.
*katherine*photo*: 9 - black-eyed susans
*katherine*photo*: 365 - In My End is My Beginning
*katherine*photo*: 345 - coreopsis
*katherine*photo*: 339 - joyful
*katherine*photo*: 333 - Take my hand and grow young with me; don't rush; be a beginner; weave pearls in your hair; grow potatoes; light the candles; keep the fire; dare to love someone; tell yourself the truth; stay inside the rapture.
*katherine*photo*: yellow iris?
*katherine*photo*: 317 - cover me.
*katherine*photo*: 306 - big TX skies
*katherine*photo*: 305 - in wildness is the preservation of the World
*katherine*photo*: 265 - anyone for some gai lan honey?
*katherine*photo*: 239 - buzzzzz
*katherine*photo*: buhwid behwies
*katherine*photo*: oak & moss
*katherine*photo*: It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is.
*katherine*photo*: 85 - he loves me
*katherine*photo*: 72 - "Bring me then the plant that points to those bright Lucidites swirling up from the earth, And life itself exhaling that central breath! Bring me the sunflower crazed with the love of light”
*katherine*photo*: in the garden
*katherine*photo*: overlooked beauty
*katherine*photo*: sweet hereafter
*katherine*photo*: kissed by rain
*katherine*photo*: 30 - Aubergine
*katherine*photo*: 13- at dusk