amichelso1: a Maria radio station, of course
amichelso1: Outside of the Domingo and Quiles Bodega and store in Galera, Granada
amichelso1: Wine Bottles at the Domingo and Quiles - Galira vinos de Galera, Spain
amichelso1: go ahead and just label me
amichelso1: Dan checking out the situation and Sr. Quiles giving us the tour
amichelso1: labels labels labels, label the wine
amichelso1: Bodega and store of Domingo and Quiles wines from Galera, Spain
amichelso1: the wine bottle and labeling room at Galira wines of Galera
amichelso1: bodega area instruments
amichelso1: wood and metal
amichelso1: Other angles. Don´t remember what Sr. Quiles said what was where, but he did get some white out of the left hand side vats
amichelso1: Year: 1629
amichelso1: YEAR 1629
amichelso1: Impromptu wine tasting went over really well
amichelso1: Dan is giving me the eye - why are you climbing up there Anna? Better view of the situation.
amichelso1: Sr. Quiles from Galira wines of Galera talks it up
amichelso1: two types of deposits
amichelso1: Traci was a happy camper with this rosé!
amichelso1: I loved the sink!
amichelso1: some extra wine lying about
amichelso1: Arturo in the tasting room
amichelso1: easy style bottle opener on the wall, where you can always find it
amichelso1: Mr Quiles pouring some fresh white wine
amichelso1: the boxes of Galira de Galera
amichelso1: old press