amichelso1: Saturdays all the dogs and kids come too.
amichelso1: The windsheild of the Land Rover has 30 years of love
amichelso1: Tila, Luis´dog, has her special place in the Land Rover.
amichelso1: Forever the trees line up
amichelso1: Arturo with the vibrator
amichelso1: Vaciando Fardos
amichelso1: Maria about to empty the nets (vaciando los fardos)
amichelso1: View of Porcuna
amichelso1: and more olive trees....
amichelso1: Javier and yours truly at lunch time on Saturday
amichelso1: of me
amichelso1: The kids always find ways to entertain themselves.
amichelso1: Picking up the extras that didn´t make it into the nets.
amichelso1: Jesús, son of Marisa, and Juán, brother of Arturo
amichelso1: these are better bigger and alone
amichelso1: Working with Marisa to bring the net to the tree.
amichelso1: lots of olives
amichelso1: just starting to shake the tree so the olives drop
amichelso1: Arturo on the net about to shake branches.
amichelso1: Arturo doing my job - bringing the nets to cover the ground below the tree.
amichelso1: I shoot pictures of my shadow on the nets and olives when I should be doing something else; I´m sure.
amichelso1: Another net picture taken from the small of my back. Much cooler bigger and alone.
amichelso1: It was cold enough you could barely tell the difference between smokers and those just breathing.
amichelso1: The next generation
amichelso1: First thing in the morning you empty out the Land Rover.
amichelso1: let´s not forget the details.... why we are there...
amichelso1: The light in the morning is so nice and warm.
amichelso1: Arturo driving the Land Rover
amichelso1: must drink water
amichelso1: Barro