amichelso1: Trembling after the toast, Puri passes out a SECOND dessert. yup
amichelso1: after affects of a copious lunch. Note, I have wine in one glass, full manzanilla (sherry) in another, glass of chamomile tea, and a full jar of tinto de verano (rough style sangria) in front of my huge dessert plate.
amichelso1: Arturo starting the toasting for Puri and Parra - to their wedding!
amichelso1: must have said something good
amichelso1: you must eat MORE, she says.
amichelso1: I have quite a few photos of Arturo hiding behind napkins when I take pictures of him.
amichelso1: Showing off the second desserts. These were good and melted in your mouth. I have no idea how I could even try to eat one.
amichelso1: Arturo likes to toast.
amichelso1: Picture of myself with Arturo to remember I was there.
amichelso1: Arturo passing the toast on to Juan (next to me unseen)