amichelso1: .......
amichelso1: DSC_3537
amichelso1: Trash Hiking Map of Castilleja de Guzmán -
amichelso1: Dad's house from the garage terrace
amichelso1: just another street
amichelso1: Arturo blogging his trip
amichelso1: bus stop in the snowy hills of croatia on the way to the coast
amichelso1: love the little signs. Galera here, and now over there!
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amichelso1: Segovia B_19
amichelso1: Inside very old Quarry Carmona (picture by Arturo)
amichelso1: Bunker in LOPERA_5
amichelso1: DSC_8064
amichelso1: taking pictures of him taking pictures of the pigs
amichelso1: Harbor Seals on the Salishan Spit, Siletz Bay
amichelso1: Stacey and I pose with our very good looking and young Brazilian waiter at Acuarela
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amichelso1: Someone found a nice red door