amichelso1: "Cornezuelo." Another type of olive. When green they are super tasty.
amichelso1: One of the many olive oil factories
amichelso1: Arturo and José Luis ready to unload more olives
amichelso1: Niños by night in Porcuna, Andalucia
amichelso1: Olive trees in Porcuna
amichelso1: Kids playing in Porcuna
amichelso1: the tools, early morning after unloading the Land Rover, wearing Patukos.
amichelso1: Arturo and his oldest brother Benito (r) working on a branch.
amichelso1: I think they said that they put copper or some mineral mix on the trees to see if it helps.
amichelso1: Arturo in typical vibrator holding stance. This thing hooks onto a branch and then shakes insanely, not only the tree but the person as well.
amichelso1: using the blower to make sense of the many olives everywhere
amichelso1: Olives
amichelso1: Maria raking the olives into piles to be gathered by hand.
amichelso1: Olive Tree with brilliant dark olives surrounding its base.
amichelso1: mount made with a rake to gather quickly by hand.
amichelso1: Montones de aceitunas
amichelso1: picking them up by hand
amichelso1: Maria ride on the back of the tractor
amichelso1: Maria rides the tractor
amichelso1: me again
amichelso1: Filling up the truck with olives. Usually one of these is filled per day. Oldest brother, Benito gives a hand.
amichelso1: lots of olivos, olive trees.
amichelso1: the instruments
amichelso1: Olive tree *after* removing the olives... it becomes bouncy!
amichelso1: Arturo y Arturo
amichelso1: Los PATUCOS - the "sock" that covers your shoes when there is a lot of clay or mud.
amichelso1: Early morning drive to site.
amichelso1: early morning Arturo
amichelso1: On the way to a site. Tons of trees and funky roads.
amichelso1: Early morning, Marisa jumps into to beat the olive tree.