amichelso1: Iglesia en San Juan Chamula, bare building. old church?
amichelso1: taqueria
amichelso1: San Juan Chamula
amichelso1: Ring from women in Simojovel Chiapas
amichelso1: San Juan Chamula, Chiapas
amichelso1: grave site
amichelso1: church
amichelso1: grave sites
amichelso1: San Juan Chamula, Chiapas
amichelso1: traveling alone is never lonely.
amichelso1: ninos
amichelso1: children at play
amichelso1: beautiful smiles
amichelso1: chiapas
amichelso1: CROSS
amichelso1: san cristobal
amichelso1: catalina ausin!
amichelso1: of me and tea
amichelso1: mercado
amichelso1: San Cristobal de las Casas. mercado.