Bob Doran: Huckleberry Flint warms up
Bob Doran: Goff struts into the sunshine
Bob Doran: Eureka Theater bartenders Donna Landry and Wendy Petty serve Scottie the intern and Ryan Burns
Bob Doran: P1150078
Bob Doran: Adam Pokorski and Matt Jackson, aka Matt 'n' Adam, the Missing Link DJs
Bob Doran: Shane Mizer mans the raffle/questionnaire booth
Bob Doran: IMG_1700
Bob Doran: Marc Jeffares - The Trouble
Bob Doran: Marc's guitar
Bob Doran: Marc Jeffares - The Trouble
Bob Doran: Chris Parreira
Bob Doran: Marc Jeffares of The Trouble with substitue bass player
Bob Doran: light
Bob Doran: Shane/Alana meta
Bob Doran: "Best Comedian" Sherae O'Shaughnessy shocks and awes
Bob Doran: Nando Molina accepts award for Humboldt Bay Coffee while Sherae O'Shaughnessy looks on
Bob Doran: Chris P
Bob Doran: KIEM's Dana Griffin and newly hired ?
Bob Doran: Music reviewer Mark Shikuma
Bob Doran: Editor Carrie Peyton Dahlberg in the ticket booth
Bob Doran: IMG_1729
Bob Doran: Last year's "Best Solo Performer" Josephine Johnson gets banded
Bob Doran: Seven Oh Heaven star Will Startare
Bob Doran: P1150140
Bob Doran: P1150141
Bob Doran: "Best Politician" Mark Lovelace
Bob Doran: Andrew Goff interviews "Best Solo Musician" Chris Parreira
Bob Doran: "Best Chicken Wings" chef
Bob Doran: "Best Pizza"
Bob Doran: Darren Cartledge of The Local