hrcmedia: HRC's New York team in Albany as Senate negotiations on marriage equality continue, June 21, 2011
hrcmedia: Sen. Tom Duane (D-Manhattan) speaking at the Rally for Love & Marriage, June 21, 2011
hrcmedia: Republican Senator Jim Alesi speaks at the Rally for Love & Marriage, June 21, 2011
hrcmedia: Supporters of equality rally at the Capitol as Senate negotiations on marriage equality continue, June 21, 2011
hrcmedia: Supporters of equality rally at the Capitol as Senate negotiations on marriage equality continue, June 21, 2011
hrcmedia: Supporters of equality rally at the Capitol as Senate negotiations over marriage equality continue
hrcmedia: Supporters of equality rally at the Capitol as Senate negotiations over marriage equality continue, June 20, 2011
hrcmedia: Identifying new supporters in Albany as Senate negotiations over the marriage equality bill continue, June 20, 2011
hrcmedia: HRC organizers prepare to deliver an additional 10,000 postcards collected over the weekend as senate negotiations about the marriage equality bill continue, June 20, 2011
hrcmedia: Senator Tom Duane (D-Manhattan) speaks to reporters after another long day of negotiations without resolution, June 17, 2011
hrcmedia: New York flag
hrcmedia: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks to reporters after lobbying legislators in favor of marriage equality in Albany, June 15, 2011
hrcmedia: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg makes calls to voters in key senate districts during a New Yorkers United for Marriage Equality phone bank in Manhattan
hrcmedia: Assemblyman Danny O'Donnell speaks to his colleagues in favor of marriage equality prior to Assembly vote, June 15, 2011
hrcmedia: An anxious crowd awaits word from the Senate Republican caucus about whether and how they will proceed with marriage equality, June 15, 2011
hrcmedia: Another supporter of equality in Buffalo
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hrcmedia: HRC National Field Director Marty Rouse makes calls to voters in key districts during a New Yorkers United for Marriage Equality coalition phone bank in Manhattan
hrcmedia: New Yorkers United for Marriage Equality phone bank in Manhattan
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hrcmedia: New Yorkers United for Marriage Equality phone bank in Manhattan
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hrcmedia: HRC organizers deliver postcards from constituents in support of marriage equality to Senator Jack Martins (R-Mineola)
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hrcmedia: HRC Senior Regional Field Organizer David Turley gets a voter to sign a postcard to her senator in support of marriage equality
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hrcmedia: HRC field organizers talk to voters about marriage equality during the commute
hrcmedia: Another New York voter for marriage equality