hullaballoo2: peeps in the box
hullaballoo2: peep kabobs
hullaballoo2: peep kabobs - serves 4
hullaballoo2: peep soup with beans
hullaballoo2: purple peeps and black beans
hullaballoo2: peeps and carrots
hullaballoo2: peeps in the snow
hullaballoo2: freezy peep
hullaballoo2: snow-covered peeps
hullaballoo2: a snowy peep
hullaballoo2: a heapin' plate o' peeps
hullaballoo2: Black-eyed Peeps
hullaballoo2: a peck of pickled peep-ers
hullaballoo2: mmm...
hullaballoo2: had enough
hullaballoo2: hangin' with my peeps
hullaballoo2: peepcupine