Hulivili: The surreal 'sulfur landscapes' of Danakil Depression
Hulivili: Erta Ale volcano at night
Hulivili: Sunrise at the active Erta Ale volcano
Hulivili: Erta Ale volcano lighting up the night sky
Hulivili: Trekking in the Gheralta Mountains - Tigray, Ethiopia
Hulivili: Camel Caravan coming from salt mines
Hulivili: Drinking tella (traditional beer) with priests in Wukro (Tigray region, Ethiopia)
Hulivili: Hamer women dancing at a wedding celebration
Hulivili: Hamer women dancing at a wedding celebration
Hulivili: Hamer women dancing at a wedding celebration
Hulivili: Hamer women dancing at a wedding celebration
Hulivili: Hamer women dancing at a wedding celebration
Hulivili: The Hamer men's masculine dance
Hulivili: The Hamer men's masculine dance
Hulivili: The Hamer men's masculine dance
Hulivili: Hamer tribe children watching the wedding celebration
Hulivili: Hamer tribe children watching the wedding celebration
Hulivili: Whip Lashes on Hamar Ladies Back
Hulivili: Happy women dancing in a Hamer tribe wedding celebration
Hulivili: A Hamer woman roasting corn at an open fire
Hulivili: Girls dressed up for the Key Afar Thursday market
Hulivili: Girls from the Hamer tribe village of Kolcho
Hulivili: Two Hamer men preparing the "war paint"
Hulivili: The Hamer tribe village of Kolcho
Hulivili: The Hamer tribe village of Kolcho, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Hulivili: Local school children from an Ari tribe village
Hulivili: Herding a cattle in Omo Valley
Hulivili: The Hamer village of Kolcho
Hulivili: Giant Lobelias in Bale Mountains National Park
Hulivili: A glamorous termite mound in Omo Valley, Ethiopia