Hulivili: La Paz Before Sunrise
Hulivili: Laguna Colorada
Hulivili: Llamas, llamas.....
Hulivili: Plaza Pedro Murillo
Hulivili: A busy vegetable market in La Paz
Hulivili: The Cathedral of Copacabana
Hulivili: Watching the sunset over the Titicaca lake
Hulivili: 14 Stations of the Cross in Cerro Calvario
Hulivili: A Salt Factory
Hulivili: Taking the perspective pictures
Hulivili: Taking the perspective pictures
Hulivili: Salar de Uyuni
Hulivili: Where do you think you are going?
Hulivili: A view from 'Isla del Pescado'
Hulivili: Salar de Uyuni
Hulivili: Our shadows just after the sunrise
Hulivili: Aerosur DC-3 co-pilot
Hulivili: Mountain Landcapes
Hulivili: A mountain village
Hulivili: Aerosur DC-3 ready to take off from the salt desert
Hulivili: checking the fuel levels manually
Hulivili: Aerosur DC-3
Hulivili: Engine maintenance
Hulivili: The cockpit
Hulivili: Yay, Ice Cream!
Hulivili: Train Cemetery
Hulivili: Train Cemetery
Hulivili: Train Cemetery
Hulivili: Bolivian Pink Flamingos
Hulivili: The Viscacha