huisi: 舊車庫的老式燈 the lamp in front of the old garage
huisi: Hello Puppy!
huisi: 用心的門把手 decoration of gate handle
huisi: 「此坐有主」, "the chair belongs to someone"
huisi: In a sunny day, frozen lake was melting, without crowded skating people.
huisi: 遠方漂來一粒橙
huisi: Someone left the message on the gate. "I have come, you were out."
huisi: EOS body and nikkor lens can be good partners.
huisi: People were playing on the frozen lake.
huisi: 章魚燈 the lamp looks like octopus
huisi: 雪,還是花? Snow, or flower?
huisi: 「是誰,在敲打我窗」knock the window, if buy cigarette
huisi: 「五毛」
huisi: 不為遊客所知的後海背後 behind the bustle of bar street in the old town of Beijing
huisi: 牆上車,樹上花 the bicycle on the wall, the blossoms on the tree
huisi: 座上台 sofa on the ping-pong table
huisi: 排排座 sofas in a queue
huisi: 花開法源寺 blossoming in monastry
huisi: 僧鞋 monk's shoes
huisi: 「殺一盤 」 Playing Xiangqi (Chinese chess)
huisi: 核桃和鳥 walnut and bird for fun
huisi: 打台球 The weather is warming, the guys are playing.
huisi: 烤串和露天電影 It's summer, open-air bbq and cinema.
huisi: Balloons in the night
huisi: 餘暉 餘輝 sunset glow and sparkles of welding
huisi: 麥田裡沒有捕手 No catcher in the rye, but more buildings around.
huisi: Inception
huisi: Construction site under sunset
huisi: 手、機的交流 Conversation between hands and mobiles
huisi: 黃昏街景之水滴子 street view