hugs for thugs: train-of-thought2
hugs for thugs: near the station
hugs for thugs: bike alley
hugs for thugs: random junk
hugs for thugs: the only english writing on walls...
hugs for thugs: thA hood
hugs for thugs: view from my window
hugs for thugs: bling bling bling
hugs for thugs: just juso
hugs for thugs: the light at the end of the tunnel
hugs for thugs: "we have 4 seasons in japan"
hugs for thugs: we found this pile of trash
hugs for thugs: umbrellas, lights, and the guy cuddling a dog
hugs for thugs: strange & beautiful
hugs for thugs: fugu man!
hugs for thugs: i have no idea
hugs for thugs: those dots are people
hugs for thugs: sunset appreciation photo