hugovk: One year in one image
hugovk: Winter cycling shadow in Helsinki
hugovk: Wild strawberries, raspberries and blueberries
hugovk: The youth of today
hugovk: Fur coat
hugovk: Angel in the mist
hugovk: Spooky fog cloaked graveyard
hugovk: Foggy graveyard
hugovk: Dear John
hugovk: Lookin' down
hugovk: 14 months of Koskelantie trees (2014 - 2015) / out-average2
hugovk: Sub24 Helsinki: cheddar and gingerbread biscuit sandwich
hugovk: Smiling statues
hugovk: Northenden Jehovah's Witness Assembly Hall
hugovk: Excuses, excuses, excuses...
hugovk: Think! Is your conduct appropriate?
hugovk: Bob Dylan
hugovk: Miina Äkkijyrkkä's cows
hugovk: Abandoned brolly
hugovk: Sub24 Helsinki: first snow on a bicycle