Harmony in Entropy: Stairway to......
Harmony in Entropy: Gate to nowhere
Harmony in Entropy: Into Rainbow wood
Harmony in Entropy: Spring photos
Harmony in Entropy: Campus entrance
Harmony in Entropy: Sunset over bath 1
Harmony in Entropy: Campus and sunset-4188
Harmony in Entropy: Sunset over bath 2
Harmony in Entropy: Sunset over bath 3
Harmony in Entropy: Traveling Home
Harmony in Entropy: Summer sun(set)
Harmony in Entropy: Path through the grass
Harmony in Entropy: Mirrored in the lake
Harmony in Entropy: Cheddar Valley
Harmony in Entropy: Public footpath
Harmony in Entropy: Volcanic beach
Harmony in Entropy: Glass lake
Harmony in Entropy: Tiny bridge
Harmony in Entropy: Winter sun
Harmony in Entropy: Frozen river spree
Harmony in Entropy: Autumn by street light
Harmony in Entropy: Autumn at campus
Harmony in Entropy: Winter sun
Harmony in Entropy: Trilandpoint
Harmony in Entropy: Vinyards in winter
Harmony in Entropy: Sunset in finland