hugo604bc: Charlie and Jordan
hugo604bc: me and the new wife
hugo604bc: the family
hugo604bc: It's over, the ceremony not my life?
hugo604bc: walking out
hugo604bc: Our family
hugo604bc: The Bridal party
hugo604bc: Please open the bar
hugo604bc: me and the wife
hugo604bc: kelly
hugo604bc: My parents
hugo604bc: Mom and Dad
hugo604bc: My Godfather
hugo604bc: The outlaws
hugo604bc: Kelly's Dad, grandmother and Step mom
hugo604bc: Kelly and Courtney
hugo604bc: Kelly's family
hugo604bc: Go Johnny B
hugo604bc: My dad's side
hugo604bc: Me and Stu
hugo604bc: The venue
hugo604bc: The gang from WPG
hugo604bc: The gang from WPG
hugo604bc: Who stepped on my foot
hugo604bc: Island people
hugo604bc: It was this big.....
hugo604bc: shoes
hugo604bc: Wedding cake