hugo2cv: París
hugo2cv: Comparses
hugo2cv: Tristor - Sorrow
hugo2cv: Retrat suau - Soft Portrait
hugo2cv: Eroses Hèstes - Bon Nadal - Happy Christmas
hugo2cv: Petons i carícies - kisses & caresses
hugo2cv: Libèl·lula blava - Blue dragonfly
hugo2cv: Esperant... / Expecting...
hugo2cv: Jugant al sorral - Playing in the sandpit
hugo2cv: Semàfor en vermell - Traffic light in red
hugo2cv: Mirada felina - Feline eyes
hugo2cv: Colors de trador - Autumn colors
hugo2cv: La serp de llum - Light's snake
hugo2cv: Sobre el pont - Over the bridge
hugo2cv: Traces d'estels a Bausen - Star trails in Bausen
hugo2cv: Jan, "the farmer"
hugo2cv: Passejant per Tolosa - Walking Toulouse
hugo2cv: La Banca - Banking
hugo2cv: Retrat Urbà - Urban Portrait
hugo2cv: Carícies de tardor - Autumnal caresses
hugo2cv: Working class hero
hugo2cv: En directe - Live
hugo2cv: Enlluernant la nit - Dazzling night
hugo2cv: Futur
hugo2cv: Esperant el seu gran moment - Waiting for his great moment
hugo2cv: Fisheye brindis
hugo2cv: Peus bruts - Dirty feet
hugo2cv: Balcons de Barcelona - Barcelona's balconies
hugo2cv: Hi ha convidats que es presenten sense avisar - There are Guests that come without warning
hugo2cv: Sota la gran ciutat - Under the great city