Hugo!: My baby had an accident...
Hugo!: Under the Bridge
Hugo!: weekends at the beach
Hugo!: Pulling in the net (2)
Hugo!: Pulling in the net
Hugo!: Fishing boats coming home
Hugo!: Charging Elephant
Hugo!: Pendjari Baboon
Hugo!: Pendjari baboons
Hugo!: Fred shooting water buffaloes
Hugo!: Fred at the chutes de Tanougou
Hugo!: My first set of wheels
Hugo!: From green to blue
Hugo!: Banana Bat
Hugo!: Baobab sunset
Hugo!: Spinning cotton
Hugo!: Spinning cotton in Benin
Hugo!: Portrait of a cotton spinner in Bante
Hugo!: Cotton Spinning Lady
Hugo!: Cotton Spinner 1
Hugo!: Taking the dog out
Hugo!: Wakeboarding at the Bouches du Roi
Hugo!: Contrasts...
Hugo!: Jump
Hugo!: Nightfall at the Ile au Crabes
Hugo!: Waking up...
Hugo!: Life is stressful
Hugo!: Fast asleep
Hugo!: Zangbeto and his minder
Hugo!: A zangbeto up close