Nigel Valentine: 5634 Chengde 10th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: 6838 Daban mpd 10th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: 15f 3016 Approaching Tarlton South Africa 15th May 2005
Nigel Valentine: 12AR1535 16th may 2005 a North British built loco 4 8 2 wheel arrangement
Nigel Valentine: 15f 2914 3016 Springs Yard to Trichardt nr Teevlug South Africa 16th May 2005
Nigel Valentine: GF2380 City View 22nd May 2005
Nigel Valentine: 19D 2650 Davsteel plant Zonderwater South Africa 17th May 2005
Nigel Valentine: GF2380Approching Claridge South Africa 22nd May 2005
Nigel Valentine: 15F 3016 and 2914 Betherl South Africa 17th May 2005
Nigel Valentine: 12AR 1535 Tarlton South Africa 14th May 2005
Nigel Valentine: 15f 3016 Magaliesburg to Tarlton at Orient South Africa 15th May 2005
Nigel Valentine: 15F3016 Krugesdorp to Mogaliesburg at Tarlton South Africa 15th May 2005
Nigel Valentine: 1590 2 8 0 Aluo 61926 24th Feb 2003 Cuba
Nigel Valentine: 1732 4 6 0 built 1916 503 Orlando Gonzalez 25th Feb 2003 Cuba
Nigel Valentine: 1354 26th February 2002 is all the notes on slide say
Nigel Valentine: 1552 Ramon Poncian0 27th February 2003 Cuba
Nigel Valentine: Daban MPD China 10th March 2002 loco nos 6992 7009 6978
Nigel Valentine: Daban MPD silhouette loco nos 65767041 10th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: 6838 Duban mpd 10th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: SY1753 JS5634 Chengde 8th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: SY1753 Chengde 8th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: SY1765 Chengde China 9th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: JS6403 SY1765 Chengde 9th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: JS6403 Chengde 9th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: SY1765 Chengde 9th March 2002
Nigel Valentine: Harvey in China 1
Nigel Valentine: Harvey in China 2