Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 1
Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 2
Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 3
Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 4
Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 5
Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 6
Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 7
Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 8
Nigel Valentine: elr 20th 9
Nigel Valentine: Elr 20th at Burrs 250715
Nigel Valentine: Elr 20th at Burrs 25072007 loco close up
Nigel Valentine: No9 and Truro 290707
Nigel Valentine: Peckett on the yard
Nigel Valentine: Industrial departure 270707
Nigel Valentine: industrial bolton street 270707
Nigel Valentine: Truro at Bolton street 270707
Nigel Valentine: union arrival 270707
Nigel Valentine: burrs msc70