hughepaul: DSC_2843
hughepaul: DSC_2849
hughepaul: DSC_2854
hughepaul: DSC_2860
hughepaul: DSC_2861
hughepaul: DSC_2865
hughepaul: Bazalgette has his warpaint on
hughepaul: Rinky Dink pedal powered sound machine
hughepaul: Rinky Dink pedal powered sound machine
hughepaul: The march passes parliament
hughepaul: DSC_2880
hughepaul: DSC_2885
hughepaul: The march makes its way down Whitehall
hughepaul: I man scales a statue on Whitehall
hughepaul: DSC_2906
hughepaul: DSC_2908
hughepaul: Boy on bus stop
hughepaul: DSC_2912
hughepaul: DSC_2913
hughepaul: Activity outside Fortnum and Mason
hughepaul: Masked riot police face protesters
hughepaul: DSC_2957
hughepaul: Stereotype business people don't approve of protest
hughepaul: Met Police helicopter at cuts protest
hughepaul: BBC News helicopter watching over the cuts protest
hughepaul: Confused police officers see masked protesters running towards them
hughepaul: Confused police officers see masked protesters running towards them
hughepaul: Masked protesters charge at the back of Fortnum and Mason
hughepaul: Masked protesters run toward the back of Fortnum and Mason