Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Leaving Banuyls
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Near Las Illas
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Cow near Bolquère
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Cabin of Pradeilles
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Lake Of Pradeilles
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - In Ariège
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - In the fog
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Moss everywhere
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Sunset at Taos Cabin
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Sunset at Taos Cabin - 2
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Old Mine near Eylie d'en Haut
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Old Mine near Eylie d'en Haut - 3
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Wet flowers
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Cabin of Espuguettes
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Cabin of Espuguettes 2
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Monte Perdido from the Tuquerouye Breach
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Cabin of Espuguettes 3
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Getting Close of Roland's Breach
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - Fall near Gavarnie
Hug0R: Crossing the Pyrenees - At the Port de Bouchard