hufse: Harald and Lars Ivar discussing something about bikinis
hufse: Kristin trying to figure what Harald and Lars Ivar are saying about bikinis
hufse: Harald doing some flirting
hufse: Marie and Mette reacting to Haralds' flirting
hufse: Marie climbing (or at least making a good attempt)
hufse: Lars and Mette cudling
hufse: sometimes the eyecontact says it all
hufse: Marie
hufse: Harald and Marie in the sunset.
hufse: The rain came one night
hufse: Mona trying to figure when to go back to Oslo.
hufse: Marie attempting to access her kayak
hufse: Harald and Mette approaching the stop for the night
hufse: As you can clearly see, Lars doesn't mind being in a kayak.
hufse: The final group eager to reach the shore.
hufse: Marie in her self made kayak
hufse: Lars and Mette making pancakes
hufse: the stop for the night
hufse: On our way to oslo some lights startet blinking in the car while others started getting weaker.
hufse: Norwegian girls in sunset