hufse: same proof
hufse: This picture should have been of the big rat that stood watching me when I looked away from the camera after taking this shot.
hufse: I found proof. Summer is approaching.
hufse: yet an other flower
hufse: flower
hufse: is think this is "smørblomst" aka "butterflower" in norwegian, but I'm no expert
hufse: little hairy flower-remains
hufse: flashdance
hufse: something pleasant to look at after you've looked me in the eye
hufse: lomo mini bonzai
hufse: domestic jungle
hufse: purple yellowness
hufse: Yes, we have grapes in our garden even though we live in Norway.
hufse: purple flower
hufse: hanging pink
hufse: flowers and bie
hufse: the grass is greener here
hufse: a pink one is what you get today
hufse: So uh.. uhm.. would you.. you know.. uh.. .. ... .