Céanndhubahn: Grass Is Always Greener...
Taz !: American Chateau
MarkWaidson: A Meeting of Ways
domingo leiva: Vaticano basilica at dawn, Roma, Italy
Christine down south: Horton Tower (Explored)
Corinaldesi Roberto: R O C K E F E L L E R style
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: See with reading glasses
gfavchi: In Awe of Nature
DanielKHC: Yvoire, France
~+Photography Passion+~: English bulldog
~+Photography Passion+~: Jax the Mandrill
iwona_podlasinska: Youngsters
Chris-Creations: Fresh Air
Estrada77: Immature Bald Eagle on the hunt finds a frozen meal.
João Oliveira | Fotografia: DUDA - MNG Fotografia - AR (49)
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Full body comb-over
Rodrick Dale: Hearts Reflection
Manuel ROMARIS: Chestnut Teal, Coorong NP, Australia
Gi.Sartori: Piccolo Iris Pauline
HelmiGloor: Schachbrett
maxguitare1: Juste ce qu'il faut de profondeur de champ