Hues of Heather: IMG_0095
Hues of Heather: IMG_0105
Hues of Heather: IMG_0096
Hues of Heather: Staggering to get up
Hues of Heather: Up and Away
Hues of Heather: Swimming Prohibited 01
Hues of Heather: Akramah Dam
Hues of Heather: Akramah Dam Graveyard 02
Hues of Heather: Akramah Graveyard 02
Hues of Heather: Tyre tracks 01
Hues of Heather: Sick Baboon
Hues of Heather: Eid Prayer Place Taif
Hues of Heather: Al-Hada Village, Taif.
Hues of Heather: Ventrilloquist
Hues of Heather: Over to Legs Magee
Hues of Heather: Watcha doin' alone pumpkin ???
Hues of Heather: Look left, right and left again . . .
Hues of Heather: Prickly Pears
Hues of Heather: Wadi Thibaa - Taif
Hues of Heather: Single Rose 04
Hues of Heather: Bahrah Sunset & Football
Hues of Heather: Pot Coffee
Hues of Heather: Taif East Landscape 03
Hues of Heather: lettuce and cabbage
Hues of Heather: mr and mrs nugary
Hues of Heather: Ethnic Food - Dajaj Al-Burre 01
Hues of Heather: Taif East Landscape 04
Hues of Heather: Al-Hada Village, Taif