Hudson Geography:
Corp'L Jackson
Hudson Geography:
Replica with Natural Stone
Hudson Geography:
Jeremiah Johnson
Hudson Geography:
S.P. H.P.
Hudson Geography:
Hudson Geography:
David Colwell 1874
Hudson Geography:
Natural Stones (with scale)
Hudson Geography:
Corp'L Wilson Brown
Hudson Geography:
Natural Possible Headstone(NW Fenceline)
Hudson Geography:
Fragment (with scale)
Hudson Geography:
Corp'L Jackson Row
Hudson Geography:
Mary E.
Hudson Geography:
Footstone with Flag
Hudson Geography:
Church Grounds
Hudson Geography:
Fence Gate
Hudson Geography:
S.V. (with scale)
Hudson Geography:
Hudson Geography:
Excavation Unit
Hudson Geography:
Excavation Unit(2)
Hudson Geography:
Large Stone
Hudson Geography:
Large Stone on Bucktoe Creek Bank
Hudson Geography:
Large Stone on Bucktoe Creek Bank (with scale)
Hudson Geography:
J Headstone
Hudson Geography:
J Headstone (with scale)
Hudson Geography:
Headstone Fragment at base of Tree
Hudson Geography:
Gray Base
Hudson Geography:
Agnes Millie Ford
Hudson Geography:
Hudson Geography:
Natural Possible Headstone on Forest Edge
Hudson Geography: