hubsio: happy wedding anniv to my brother Henry (fellow volunteer firefighter), tom 05june09
hubsio: nanay mayang
hubsio: going up!
hubsio: the CANDY MAN
hubsio: can you see me?
hubsio: little fire truck
hubsio: the Giant Stanley
hubsio: M Frames...
hubsio: at the temple.
hubsio: Ninoy...
hubsio: Stanley - Flag Ceremony
hubsio: Holy Thursday... God bless!
hubsio: Stan @ Engine2
hubsio: Season of Lent
hubsio: going down with the fire pole
hubsio: twin stanley (the FireFighters)
hubsio: have a blessed Sunday! =)
hubsio: im here again =)
hubsio: play pool with me
hubsio: the new TANKER 11