Hubbers: New York street corner with traffic light
Hubbers: Manhattan, New York double one way street corner with yellow cab
Hubbers: New York
Hubbers: DKNY Manhattan
Hubbers: New York steam from underground
Hubbers: Hubbers and Mike with the bull from Wall Street
Hubbers: Ground Zero
Hubbers: What does this look like to you?
Hubbers: Wharf in New York
Hubbers: Mike
Hubbers: New York Korean war monument
Hubbers: Manhattan skyline
Hubbers: Statue of Liberty bro?
Hubbers: New York memorial to merchant navy
Hubbers: View of NY from Staten Island ferry
Hubbers: View of NY from Staten Island ferry
Hubbers: New York Ferry
Hubbers: View of NY from Staten Island ferry
Hubbers: Ellis Island
Hubbers: Statue of Liberty
Hubbers: Statue of Liberty
Hubbers: Statue of Liberty
Hubbers: Statue of Liberty
Hubbers: Mike with New York in the background
Hubbers: Hubbers with Manhattan in the background
Hubbers: Mike and the Statue of Liberty
Hubbers: Dock leading to view of Manhattan, New York
Hubbers: Statue bro?
Hubbers: The Ferry 'Miss New York' with Manhattan in the background
Hubbers: Ellis Island