Hubbers: The first English funnel of the day.
Hubbers: Woza and some random English chicks
Hubbers: Hummus does another funnel
Hubbers: Death does a funel
Hubbers: Some random older woman doing a funnel
Hubbers: NZ beating England
Hubbers: Runty gets the funnel treatment
Hubbers: NZ beating England
Hubbers: The Boys at NZ v England
Hubbers: The Judge Appeals
Hubbers: Judge, Beige and Toddie
Hubbers: Woza triumphant!!!
Hubbers: Runty, Judge and Woza celebrate
Hubbers: Beige with some defeated English fans
Hubbers: Job done
Hubbers: Celebration toast
Hubbers: Great cops
Hubbers: No traffic cone is ever safe when Kiwis drink beer :)
Hubbers: The worst Haka ever
Hubbers: Judge, Hubbers and a bit of Beige
Hubbers: Hubbers and Sony Shaw NZs most infamous fan
Hubbers: Reese and Hummus
Hubbers: Runty hard at work
Hubbers: Not our yacht - thank f**k
Hubbers: Nathalie from behind
Hubbers: Free mustard
Hubbers: Product placement
Hubbers: Beige
Hubbers: Our first excursion in the dingy
Hubbers: Woza snorkelling