robbie1947: AAMI Stadium..14/08/2011..Crows have an early lead.
robbie1947: The Geelong Cats with a "guard of honour" after the 1/2 time break.
robbie1947: 3/4 time with the Crows camp..AAMI..14/08/2011.
robbie1947: Cats vs Crows at AAMI..14/08/2011.
robbie1947: James Podsiadly (31) at AAMI on 14/08/2011.
robbie1947: Geelong vs Crows at AAMI..14/08/2011.
robbie1947: Geelong Cats..pre match huddle..AAMI Stadium..14/08/2011.
robbie1947: 3/4 time at AAMI Cats vs Crows...14th August 2011.
robbie1947: Another confusing performance by the men in Green!
robbie1947: After match mate-ship with Geelong 11 point winners.
robbie1947: AAMI Stadium and Jimmy Bartel is chaired off at the completion of his 200th.
robbie1947: AAMI Stadium and Jimmy Bartels 200th.
robbie1947: AAMI Stadium at West Lakes on the evening of 14th August 2011.
robbie1947: AAMI Stadium...Crows vs Cats...August 14th 2011.
robbie1947: AAMI Stadium..14th August 2011..Crows vs Cats.
robbie1947: On a perfect Spring day at South Brighton...4/11/2011.