emma lagunday: 03-09-10 6:58
emma lagunday: 03-11-10 7:10
emma lagunday: Sunrise 03-10-10 7:04
emma lagunday: Let's go, hit the road........
emma lagunday: Good morning Toronto!
emma lagunday: Beauty comes in every form....
emma lagunday: Sunrise ....
emma lagunday: The Lighthouse
emma lagunday: My neighborhood at dusk.
emma lagunday: Sunrise and the Lone Swan
emma lagunday: Kayaking
emma lagunday: Early to Bed and Early to Rise
emma lagunday: Good morning Toronto!
emma lagunday: Good morning Toronto (2)
emma lagunday: Lower level clouds
emma lagunday: An early morning walk in the park....
emma lagunday: Misty and foggy on a "Fence Friday"
emma lagunday: The beauty behind the misty and foggy afternoon......