monika strataki (off for a while):
.. Δρομέας .. the runner .. like liquid glass
monika strataki (off for a while):
Dromeas "the runner"
monika strataki (off for a while):
Dromeas "the runner"
monika strataki (off for a while):
Dromeas "the runner"
monika strataki (off for a while):
Dromeas "the runner"
monika strataki (off for a while):
Dromeas "the runner"
monika strataki (off for a while):
monika strataki (off for a while):
Sofia ~ (explored)
monika strataki (off for a while):
the sleeping girl by Halepas ~ (explored)
monika strataki (off for a while):
the Greek God Apollo ~ (explored # 115)
monika strataki (off for a while):
a goddess
monika strataki (off for a while):
der lichtbringer ~ entrance to Böttcherstrasse in Bremen
monika strataki (off for a while):
Hermes of Praxiteles
monika strataki (off for a while):
Άπτερος Νίκη .. Statue of Nike Greek goddess of victory
monika strataki (off for a while):
Zeus and Ganymedes
monika strataki (off for a while):
Kea ... in search of a lion ..
monika strataki (off for a while):
Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier
monika strataki (off for a while):
the bremen town musicians...
monika strataki (off for a while):
die bremer stadtmusikanten
monika strataki (off for a while):
umbrellas 2 ~~
monika strataki (off for a while):
. bleeding democracy .
monika strataki (off for a while):
. the city and its history .
monika strataki (off for a while):
"Hellas is wreathing Byron"
monika strataki (off for a while):
. sculpture .
monika strataki (off for a while):
A hymn to all women.. a hymn to a goddess