hthrd: dog christmas 2003
hthrd: Carscar
hthrd: oscar with a ball
hthrd: oscarready
hthrd: happytrot
hthrd: flowerdog
hthrd: canoodlers
hthrd: dog bed
hthrd: oscar napping
hthrd: oscar in his bed
hthrd: muddog
hthrd: mudpark
hthrd: oscar's sweater-in-progress
hthrd: mud-headed dog
hthrd: tancouch
hthrd: oscar and his tongue
hthrd: squirrel chaser
hthrd: sweaterfront
hthrd: sweaterback
hthrd: oscar at forest park
hthrd: oscarhat
hthrd: bjuvparts
hthrd: bjuvalmostdone
hthrd: icescar
hthrd: oscarcouch
hthrd: car roll
hthrd: lips
hthrd: before
hthrd: tired
hthrd: sidewaysscarf