hthrd: larry runs like a nut
hthrd: rachel, larry, clarabelle
hthrd: larry and clarabelle
hthrd: sable
hthrd: sable
hthrd: sable
hthrd: clarabelle likes to fetch
hthrd: auntie margaret
hthrd: clarabelle
hthrd: DSC_0023
hthrd: DSC_0026
hthrd: DSC_0027
hthrd: DSC_0046
hthrd: DSC_0053
hthrd: DSC_0063
hthrd: my uncle looking like he just escaped from prison
hthrd: DSC_0078
hthrd: larry doing a dressage move
hthrd: DSC_0088
hthrd: DSC_0093
hthrd: DSC_0099
hthrd: dog friends
hthrd: captain eyebrows
hthrd: dogs like treats
hthrd: DSC_0164
hthrd: DSC_0166