hthrd: airport time!
hthrd: floppy hat, excalibur, $6 water
hthrd: lingerie
hthrd: miss bachelorette
hthrd: makeup time
hthrd: pretty ladies coming through
hthrd: sisters in a taxi line
hthrd: view from above
hthrd: mgm
hthrd: a bellagio ceiling
hthrd: blurry gambling
hthrd: blurry expensive drink
hthrd: fancy donuts on a glass rod
hthrd: dinner at Fix
hthrd: sandwich!
hthrd: strange men flock to bachelorettes
hthrd: big and green
hthrd: hotel room reflected
hthrd: before
hthrd: after... not very impressive
hthrd: the mgm elevator
hthrd: ellen loses some change
hthrd: we got drunk and ordered a $2500 bottle of cognac
hthrd: suddenly, you're an art lover
hthrd: the fountain at mgm in the middle of all the confusing elevators
hthrd: this bar is called centrifuge but it does not spin around
hthrd: M&M and an M&M
hthrd: fake new york
hthrd: ellen models
hthrd: a big coke