htekmo: Burton's mini golf
htekmo: Day 31
htekmo: burton the beach bum
htekmo: From where I stand...the Burton sleeps. #fromwhereistand
htekmo: I am by far his favorite pillow.
htekmo: Happy Sunday. love #burtonthedog
htekmo: Burton and Winston
htekmo: what you lookin' at willis?
htekmo: Faded Burton in profile. #burtonthedog
htekmo: burton - back by popular demand
htekmo: From where we stand
htekmo: Burton was here
htekmo: Does this camper make my nose look big? Burton::22
htekmo: When you get knocked've got to dust yourself off...and get right back up.
htekmo: Unleash me
htekmo: will you be my valentine?
htekmo: I've got a lazy "eye". Burton::day 20
htekmo: Keep Your Head Up
htekmo: Burton+Cooper+Snow=Happiness
htekmo: Burton...not a bear
htekmo: Big Foot or Burton?
htekmo: Bad Dog
htekmo: Burton::Day 10
htekmo: Burton::Day 9
htekmo: Burtie Boo Boo
htekmo: Sleepy Bear(s)
htekmo: Dog Tongue
htekmo: Me and my dog
htekmo: you are my sunshine
htekmo: Burton::5