htcoogan: enough ice
htcoogan: creek and bush under snow, taken from bridge.
htcoogan: esme might like this
htcoogan: farm boys
htcoogan: pineapples
htcoogan: low clouds along the waterfront
htcoogan: brooklyn rocking horse
htcoogan: brooklyn window
htcoogan: at the farm
htcoogan: sunset park lightpost
htcoogan: ice wall
htcoogan: sunset park: light & shadow
htcoogan: photo transfer on aluminum
htcoogan: tape decks playing instructional goose call recordings, arranged in v formation
htcoogan: one valve horn
htcoogan: endless conversation utilizing mobius tape loop.
htcoogan: common cork
htcoogan: el libro y los suenos olivodos
htcoogan: sketchbook drum
htcoogan: as if in a dream.
htcoogan: sign of an early winter
htcoogan: nick tahoe's
htcoogan: sunset park sunshine
htcoogan: heart shaped locket
htcoogan: sunset park 2014
htcoogan: ice wall
htcoogan: limones 6 x$ 1.00
htcoogan: icy steps 2014
htcoogan: pretending to only have three legs
htcoogan: flea market shoes