htcoogan: i _ _ _ _ you 2010
htcoogan: difficulties on the drawing board
htcoogan: the way things were.
htcoogan: little magnets 001
htcoogan: little magnets 005
htcoogan: little magnets 004
htcoogan: conspiracy theory
htcoogan: meteor
htcoogan: romantic movies
htcoogan: not magic wands
htcoogan: shovel & lines
htcoogan: ht coogan's little plumb bob
htcoogan: your future
htcoogan: match the imapct.
htcoogan: sometimes...
htcoogan: wednesday
htcoogan: brooklyn flea market plumb bob
htcoogan: portfolio & wire(?)
htcoogan: hot & cold faucets
htcoogan: two chairs and an orbit
htcoogan: i made this page!
htcoogan: hey seuss!
htcoogan: john glen
htcoogan: a funnel and a bear
htcoogan: dainel boone
htcoogan: lassie
htcoogan: billy joel song
htcoogan: magnets with captions 2009
htcoogan: the drumbeats of a better tomorrow