htcoogan: massoud.
htcoogan: pinhole of eli.
htcoogan: roger.
htcoogan: new york's finest.
htcoogan: watching the sunset park dancers.
htcoogan: hide and seek in sunset park (cheating).
htcoogan: balloons and shadows
htcoogan: kerry skating
htcoogan: koz kleanz the kanoe.
htcoogan: balloon vendor.
htcoogan: old guys.
htcoogan: mike castellana and sarah borges
htcoogan: sarah borges gets a fan dancing.
htcoogan: on the trail
htcoogan: dual portrait
htcoogan: kerry on the beach
htcoogan: koz in avon
htcoogan: tony lou kathy, the jazzesters.
htcoogan: koz & his lunch
htcoogan: koz and his best buddy
htcoogan: south slope couple
htcoogan: stroller
htcoogan: meg & thug
htcoogan: ben and his root beer
htcoogan: ben in avon
htcoogan: downers on the deck
htcoogan: dave and chase. diana clone: arrow.
htcoogan: night shopping, chinatown
htcoogan: girl and cart
htcoogan: mr mahafey at the public market